Pacific Coast Parson Russell Terrier Cub
Meeting Minutes
May 29, 2005
Meeting Opened at 11:45 am.
Kathleen Owsley Connie Presley Jeraldine Dietz Beth Pennell
Roy Anibal Cheryl Edwards Debra Anibal Jan Wood
Joe Wood Diane Turner Anita Ziebe Tania Kidd
Ellen Wade Kasey Mando Annette Gilliam Sue Whitecotton
Joe LaVoise Marie LaVoise Lou Torres Sue Richards
Kathleen Reynolds
Introductions of those present along with information on those who have show interest.
No old business as this was first meeting of PCPRTC.
Discussion on the formation of the PCPRTC. Annette Gilliam was selected as Temporary Chair for the meeting.
The adaptations of Constitution, Bylaws, Code of Ethics and Robert’s Rules of Order were tabled until next meeting, to allow time for everyone to read and be better able to give input.
Discussion on number of directors. It was agreed upon for there to be President; Vice President; Recording Secretary; Corresponding Secretary; Treasurer; Membership Chair and four members. Finance Chair would be the Treasurer and AKC Liaison would be the Corresponding Secretary.
President: Annette Gilliam Motion: Kathleen Reynolds 2nd: Joe Wood
Vice President: Kathleen Reynolds Motion: Annette Gilliam 2nd: Kasey Mando
Recording Secretary: Marie LaVoise Motion: Connie Presley 2nd: Annette Gilliam
Corresponding Secretary: Diane Turner Motion: Kasey Mando 2nd: Connie Presley
Treasurer: Debra Anibal Motion: Kathleen Reynolds 2nd: Connie Presley
Membership: Kathleen Owsley Motion: Connie Presley 2nd: Marie LaVoise
Director: Kasey Mando Motion: Annette Gilliam 2nd: Kathleen Reynolds
Director: Jan Wood Motion: Annette Gilliam 2nd: Kathleen Reynolds
Director: Connie Presley Motion: Kasey Mando 2nd: Marie LaVoise
Director: Jerry Dietz Motion: Kasey Mando 2nd: Joe LaVoise
The slate of directors was approved by all in attendance.
Upcoming meeting schedule:
Sunday June 26, 2005
California State University at Long Beach, CA
Guest Speaker – Jack Smith
Following PRT show
Saturday, July 9, 2005
Seaside Park, Ventura, CA
Following PRT show
Saturday, August 13, 2005
North High School, Torrance, CA
Time TBA
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Cypress College, Cypress, CA
Time TBA
Sunday, October 29, 2005
Connie Presley’s Home Trabuco Canyon, CA
More information TBA
Discussion on Earth dog at Featherly Park on June 27 – 28
Discussion on liability insurance, cost and what it will cover as it was stated that the cost of rescue insurance is expensive. Debra and Jerry will look into insurance.
Incorporation or Limited Liability Company: Annette will check to see what is best for the club and bring information back.
Tonya Kidd made a presentation to the club on the Parson Chronicles a new publication on Parson Russell Terrier’s. She is hoping to have her first issue by late July. She will donate a page per issue to PCPRTC for news, announcements or anything the club may wish to publish.
Connie will purchase feeder rats for the fun day.
Debra will open a checking account for the club.
First meeting of the PCPRTC adjourned at 12:45.
Respectfully submitted by:
Marie LaVoise
Recording Secretary
All rights reserved by Annette Gilliam, PCPRTC Webmaster, 2005