Pacific Coast Parson Russell Terrier Cub
Meeting Minutes
June 26, 2005
Meeting called to order by President of the Board at 2:30 p.m.
Board members present:
President: Annette Gilliam Vice President: Kathleen Reynolds
Recording Secretary: Marie LaVoise Corresponding Secretary: Diane Turner
Treasurer: Debra Anibal Membership: Kathleen Owsley
Director: Kasey Mando
Director: Jan Wood
Director: Connie Presley Director: Jerry Dietz
Members present:
Beth Pennell Roy Anibal Cheryl Edwards Joe Wood
Tania Kidd Ellen Wade Joe LaVoise

President welcomed and introduced guests.
Heather Fisher
Kathy Thom
Megan Sutter
Marsha Nakitina
Vice President’s Report:
Kathleen gave board members two pamphlets. "How to Form an AKC-Accredited Dog Club" and
Regulations for Earthdog Tests for Small Terriers and Dachshunds." Both were published by the American Kennel Club. She asked that the board please become familiar with them.
Recording Secretary’s Report:
Annette read minutes of last meeting dated May 29, 2005 to all present. Motion made by Joe LaVoise to approve Minutes of May 29, 2005 PCPRTC meeting with one correction that the spelling of Tania Kidd be corrected on page two. Motion seconded by Kathleen Reynolds. All approved.
Marie LaVoise asked for a substitute to take minutes at the next meeting in Ventura as she will not be able to attend. Kathleen Reynolds will take minutes if she is able to attend if not Kathleen Owsley will take minutes.
Discussion on the fact that we do not at this time have a defined quorum so we can have the meeting at Ventura with a small turn out. It was decided to go ahead and have the meeting at Ventura as it is listed on the web site.
Discussion on Health Clinic that will be held on July 23 and 24th at the Arlington Animal Hospital. in Riverside. It will offer eyes, hips and elbows, permanent and preliminary, patella’s, von willabrans, thyroid and cardiac testing. If you are planning on going to the clinic remember to call and make an appointment early as the last one was completely booked. You must also pay in advance. These clinics are held twice a year.
Corresponding Secretary’s Report:
Diane discussed the need for a permanent address for the club. It was decided to utilize Connie Presley’s P.O. Box as she sees Diane weekly and the P.O. Box is free. The clubs mailing address is: Pacific Coast Parson Russell Terrier Club, P.O. Box 260, Trabuco Canyon, CA 92678.
Treasurer’s Report:
Debra reported we have $540.00 on hand. Presently we do not have a checking account as we need to have a DBA (doing business as). There was discussion on the DBA and cost of different newspapers vs. internet. We need to define our boundaries prior to getting our DBA. Kathleen R. reported that The Reader wants $85.00; Joe L. stated he has recently filled a DBA in San Bernardino County for $65.00. Joe will check into filling it online and will get back to the club prior to the next meeting.
Membership Chair’s Report:
Kathy reported that no one has sent her anything and that we need to update the web site to include how to obtain membership in the club. Web pages were passed around so that members could update their information. Annette will update the web site if anyone has something they need added you can email Annette at home (
Old Business:
Drafting of Constitution, Bylaws and Code of Ethics are ongoing.
Jan sated that she is not comfortable with some of the language. There was discussion and all agreed to put their proposed changes in writing so that we can all work on the constitution together. The club is open for all suggestions. There was discussion on what other clubs have in their constitution. There was discussion on Parent Clubs and Local/Regional Clubs and how they do not have to have the same rules.
Insurance: Ongoing
Earthdog: Connie stated that she needs more help on Tuesday as many entries may still be at Long Beach. If you need a sign up sheet you can go to If you go to the Great Western tent they had some on the table.
Formation of the club:
Annette was to look into the club being Incorporated or limited liability company. This was tabled for the time being allowing for additional time to look into.
Parson Chronicles:
Tania stated that the deadline for submissions is the 25th of July. She suggests that we list officers and dates of meetings Annette will submit.
New Business
Presentation by Jack Smith on forming a New Club:
Members reported that Jack Smith would not be speaking today due to a Sr. Moment on our behalf (Someone dropped the ball).
Handout of AKC Pamphlets on Forming New Club:
Kathleen gave to board members so that they can read and discuss at upcoming board meeting, Tania will set up a chat room for board meetings. Meeting will be held the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 8:00pm. Motioned made by Kathleen R and 2nd by Kathleen O. Motion carried.
How do we interact with PRTAA?
Discussion on a supported entry for next year and utilize Great Westerns judges. There was a discussion on the amount of time it is taking to get approval for specialties from our Parent Club. As we understand we do not need approval for supported entries but we do need Parent Club support for Specialties. It was stated that the Parent Club needs 9 months to approve. Cheryl volunteered to represent us with the parent club as she sees them and will look into where we stand and how they would like us to proceed. Diane will write a letter to the President of the Parent Club for a supported entry.
Marie brought up the need for a Hospitality Committee as many of us did not know who was who and it would have been nice for us to introduce board members of the Parent Club and other dignitaries and maybe host a little something. Connie volunteered to be Hospitality Committee Chair. Kathy, Diane and Jan volunteered to be on the committee. Marie motioned and Diane 2nd motion carried.
It was the general consensus for the PCPRTC to take a larger part in the show next year. Annette asked Joe LaVoise to head the Decorating Committee. Kathy O motioned and Kathy R 2nd. 1 opposed, motion carried.
Connie suggested a perpetual trophy for Veteran’s class and maybe Best in Sweep and Bred By.
There was a discussion about needing a logo, Kasey will ask her husband to design our logo as he is a graphic artist.
Kathy O suggested we shorten our territory as other clubs have had problems with their parent clubs as far as geographical boundaries.
Annette, Kathleen and Connie will attend Great Westerns meetings and bring information back to the club. These meetings are held on the last Wednesday of the month. Kathy will email a list of judges to members. We need to email suggestions back to her.
Joe Wood motioned to adjourn, 2nd by Joe LaVoise. Meeting adjourned at 3:45.
Respectfully submitted by:
Marie LaVoise
Recording Secretary
All rights reserved by Annette Gilliam, PCPRTC Webmaster, 2005