Pacific Coast Parson Russell Terrier Club
Minutes of Meetings
Pacific Coast Parson Russell Terrier Cub
Meeting Minutes
August 13, 2005

Meeting called to order by President of the Board Annette Gilliam at 12:00 p.m.

Board members present

President:     Annette Gilliam    Vice President:   Kathleen Reynolds
Recording Secretary:Marie LaVoiseMembership:Kathleen Owsley
Director:      Connie Presley

Members present:

Joe LaVoiseLou TorresSue Richards

President welcomed and introduced guests:

Susan WhitecottonFrancine Talley

Old Business:

Annette moved we accept the minutes from the July meeting in Ventura submitted by Kathleen. 2nd by Kathleen. All approved.

Corp VS. LLC
Annette gave information on corporation vs. Limited Liability Company.  
Discussion on the feelings of the group, the feeling is that we should go with the LLC due to the fact that is has all the benefits of protecting against liability while it does not have all of the stringent requirements.  Connie moved to become a LLC, Kathleen second. All approved.

Discussion on DBA and the need to narrow our area to a location that would encompass the majority of members. If we ask for 200 miles Riverside would be the best area to pick as it covers the desert to the beach.   Joe will get the information on our DBA in Riverside, the information that will be needed to open it as a LLC, the cost etc.  (Reminder to all this is why no checks have been cashed).  The DBA will be run as P.C.P.R.T.,L.L.C.

New Business:

Halloween Play day at Connie’s
The Boarder Terrier ‘s have a big Earth Day Trial the same weekend at Featherly Park. Discussion on holding our play day at the park with them this way more members would be able to attend. Connie will bring agility tunnels.  Motion made by Marie to move our play day to Featherly Park so that we may support the Boarder Terrier Club. 2nd by Joe. All approved.

Discussion on who is going to nationals in Pennsylvania on October 6th, 7th and 8th. 

Meet the Breed
Los Encenos Kennel Club is hosting a meet the breed on September 17th in Van Nuys. There is no show in Southern California on this weekend. Marie motioned we support the meet the breed, 2nd by Cathleen R.  All approved. 

Great Western
Kathleen reported that there hasn’t been a Great Western meeting as of yet. We are waiting on big news after the meeting in November Rumor is that everyone will be pleased. 

Discussion on the need for a board meeting as we need a mission statement and bylaws. Kathy R suggested we adopt the AKC bylaws as they apply to us. Motion made by Kathleen, 2nd  by Joe All Approved. 

Discussion on the need for more members. It was suggested that we contact old pet people we have placed pups with. 

Discussion on awards the club would like to have. Some suggested were Health Awards i.e. CHIC Award. This was tabled as Diane needs to check with the AKC due to the Parson not defined as of yet. 

Kathleen R. moved we adjourn 2nd by Kathleen O. 

Meeting adjourned at 1:00pm 

Next meeting: Saturday, September 24, 2005 at Cypress College, Cypress, CA

Respectfully submitted by:

Marie LaVoise
Recording Secretary

All rights reserved by Annette Gilliam, PCPRTC Webmaster, 2005
Updated: 2/9/2015
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